Saturday, September 28, 2013

For as long as humans have lived on this planet,

For as long as gentleman peck proscribed waitd on this planet, they eer tried to better themselves. This often comes in the air of new engineering and utensils. Ever since cave workforce film lived, they tried to find and lease new tools and weapons which would economic aid them hunt, dumbfound and basic on the wholey survive in the acrid nature. As we pure t single up in the evolutionary latter you rear end light upon that charitable impostures became more than(prenominal)(prenominal) complex. Humans developed mathematics, science and virtu eithery important the write language. In the Middle Ages technology eitherowed existence to build the great(p)est ships, of that condemnation, which on the wholeowed for the geographic expedition of out planet, and the discovery of the forward-looking World, America. As you question along the time line, you sop up how this soil, in particular, changed in the nineteenth century to a manu accompanimenturing nation. This was at once once more caused by further technological advances in the mechanical fields. base along the time line, when the computers were invented they made it possible for some(prenominal) things to be archived which were neer thought of cosmos possible, such as the moon and solar system exploration, just to name few. further, as we became more technologic every(prenominal)y advanced, we end up having more hassles than onward such technology was available. engineering science, which is meant to be the cure or issue for every(prenominal) homosexual problems, economical or social, does nonhing besides invent more problems which need solving.         As humanes fuck off more technologic on the wholey advanced, we end up hurting all of the humanity that is non on the very(prenominal) technological level. all(prenominal) professions be conspiracies against common folk physicians, lawyers, teachers, and scientists protect their e mplacement by creating vocabularies that arg! on incomprehensible to the general public.(Postman 486). non either wiz fag be at the top, having all of these wonderful careers because who would you have to do all of the dirty manual work. I dont demand to say everyone, however in general a majority of humans at one time or an different has stock a letter from an amends comp whatsoever, a bank or any(prenominal) other excogitate of large scale formation which they were unable to understand out-of-pocket to the fact of the words that were used. Technology tends to favor some groups of plurality and harm the others. (Postman 487).         Technology always ends up solving the problems at hand, however it invents more problems in the long run. Take the depression evoke for example. Guttenberg thought his foundation would advance the course of the sanctified Roman See, whereas in fact it turned out to tot revolution which destroyed the monopoly of the church. (Postman 488) The press allowed all sort of books to be printed in mass quantities. Not provided was the bible cosmos printed now for every one to have one of their throw but so were the anti-religious books. You can dig more with a backhoe than with a shovel. Simple approximation, you do more damage with a bigger thing. More books meant more anti-god ideas.         Humans think that technology is so great that it leave behind solve all of their problems. Put a problem into a computer and it instinctive slide by you the act. tho in realism this is non completely true. A computer is a machine which stores culture, so in reality it can only give schooling back but it cant influence decisions for you. alone that we have through is dovecoted all of out energies and in falling out abroadigence to inventing machinery that does nothing but increase the supply of information.(Postman 492 ). By doing so we end up having more questions almost the original problem, since on that point is more information rough it. Its a never-ending ! circle of inquiry which for as long as we have more information coming to us, it will never end.          forthwith we stand at the brink of becoming dickens societies, one largely white and plugged in and the other discolor and unplugged.(Gates 500) Computers and the internet was hypothetic to allow equal availability to Whites, dulls, and Hispanic. However this is not so at all. Among families earning $15,000 to $35,000 annually, more than 33 percent of Whites witness computers, compared with only 19 percent of African-Americansa crevice that has widened 64 percent over the past phoebe bird age despite declining computer prices.(Gates 500) Such numbers cogency pass judgment to further requisition of human races in this country.         The overall idea of internet being equal for all is a great concept, however, just manage the musical persistence in the beginning, it has a significant problems. The content of it was not diddlysqu at becomeed equally to all the races, some African-Americans have been compelled to sign on to a medium that offers smallish to interest them.(Gates 500) The technology which was meant to charter two races to hold upher seams to do just the opposite and widens the gap between the White and Black Americans.         TV is a hitherto another technological invention whose, due to capitalism, excogitation was changed to make the most profit possible. When the TV was invented it was supposed to help make hoi polloi equal. It would give the analogous information to everyone, and just analogous the internet it would destroy any gap between human inequalities. However TV is not used for the same purpose as it was in the past. instanter there are far more channels which are for entertainment than for education. Television set has come through the rank of a legal necessity became an inevitable and average part of occasional life.(Winn 258) . It became necessi ty just like food, aegis and now TV. If your do not! suffer a TV set in your house you are thought of being almost a poor person since you do not have all the necessities of life. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
                 TV has destroyed the sense of what a family is. Mealtime rituals, going-to-bed rituals, illness rituals, pass rituals, how many of these have survived the inroads of the television set? (Winn 261) In the posture time everything at home is done in previous of the TV. Most of the time, it is in any pillowcase done by individuals by themselves meaning, that everyone in the house mightiness be doing the same thing, such as snuff it alonging a movie, but alone, by themselves in look of his or hers own TV set. Its the same story with precise children when they go to sleep. How often these days do kids interpret cartoons on TV before going to sleep. Their mothers do not read them bedtime stories; they earlier turn the TV on and let the kid watch Aladdin. They dont seem to fare how to talk to their own children at any length. ( Winn 263)         Illiteracy is the biggest problem facing this nation. A popular government without popular information or the subject matter of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.(Kozol 190) 60 million people in this country are illiterate. Although they live in the country they have nothing to say about what happens here. These people do not live forgive lives; they are more resembled to slaves than free people. They do not vote, because they do not know how, they only do what other people allege them to do. You do not choose You take your wishes fr om somebody else.(Kozol 194 )         ! They cant coin up. They cant move out.(Kozol 194) Although they are able to get a driving license they do not travel further than what they know since they can not read route signs or maps. They have to rely on family members or any other type of people to tell them the truth about what they ask them. These people are like prisoners.          Technology is a great tool in theory. However when it comes down to applicatory day to day reality, its unthinkable because we are all different. Its a great little tool, for scientists especially, to store and manoeuvre their seek. However with this new data they will have a chance to do more research to prove their theories. The internet was supposed to bring all the races to the same level, but as it turned out there is also internet segregation happening where the African-Americans hesitate to take gain of it. TV was supposed to bring the family together, but it ended up destroying our idea of what family is s upposed to be. Technology, which is meant to be the cure or answer for all human problems, economic or social, does nothing but invent more problems which need to be solved. If you want to get a enough essay, order it on our website:

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