Monday, January 20, 2014

Human Resource

mystic BM/APR 2011/HRM533/530 UNIVERSITITEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION tendency COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME INTRODUCTION TO warm RESOURCE MANAGEMENT HRM533/530 APRIL 2011 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question wallpaper consists of six (6) questions. 2. practise only quartette (4) questions in the resolving Booklet. Start to each one answer on a new page. 3. Do non bring any material into the examen room unless allowance is given by the invigilator. 4. Please fall apart to make legitimate that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question writing ii) an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty DO not TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 3 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 BM/APR 2011/HRM533/530 question 1 a) restrict Human choice Management. (1 mark) b) apologize intravenous feeding (4) major roles of Human mental imagery Depart ment. (12 marks) c) cover four (4) human alternative management functions. (12 marks) QUESTION 2 a) Describe terce (3) roles of tune analysis in relation to human resource management functions. (7 marks) b) Explain 5 (5) job characteristics that motivate employees. (10 marks) c) Explain four (4) important elements of job description. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
(8 marks) QUESTION 3 a) Based on the occupational gum elastic and Health Act 1994, explain four (4) general duties of employees in ensuring safety at workplace. (8 marks) b) Discuss 5 (5) programs that the company lecture perform to promote safety and health awar eness among employees at workplace. (15 mar! ks) c) Differentiate between safety and security. (2 marks) QUESTION 4 a) Discuss four (4) external factors that influence employers compensation strategy. (10 marks) b) Explain five (5) types of bonus plans used by the industry for individual. (15 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 BM/APR 2011/HRM533/530 QUESTION 5 a) Define career plateau. (3 marks) b)...If you necessitate to get a full phase of the moon essay, order it on our website:

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