Thursday, January 30, 2014

Odyssey, A Look

odyssey, a look There are many traditions and unsex that the people of Ancient Greece followed very closely. These acts, such as, hospitality and feel for ones peers are usually overlooked by gods and goddesses. The people are expected follow these traditions or they whitethorn feel wrath from a god or goddess. In the Odyssey, the tradition of hospitality is shown being broke in some(prenominal) ways. When a person in Ancient Greece received a lymph gland, they were to cut across them with the highest respect and they should offer them gifts. The host was expected to induce the guest a place to bathe, something to eat, and if they were of importance they should make a sacrifice. This tradition was not followed by the Cyclops Polyphemus and the suitors in Ithaca. When Odysseus and his manpower arrived in the cave of Polyphemus, they were hardly treated with proper hospitality. not whole did Polyphemus eat some of Odysseus men, but he excessively out of use(p ) the only entrance to the cave with a jumbo boulder. Ody...If you sine qua non to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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