Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Prostitution Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that whoredom should be legal. Introduction I. Open with Impact: If Ann Landers is for harlotry, then how faraway out can the notion be? II. Thesis: The legalization of prostitution could help land taxes, help balance the budget, miscellany up the streets, combat dangerous street-sex practice, trim the rate of rape, lower organized crime, and make illegal and underage sex inaccessible to minors. III. Connect: This may seem like improbable prepossess propaganda, but the facts will be unveiled. Body (Preview: Today I am going to talk to you slightly why the political science should legalize prostitution. First, I am going to talk slightly where its legal, then I am going to speak rotund the problem of suppressing prostitution, then I am going to attain you about pimps abusing the prostitutes, and finally I will speak about making the streets safer. Main Poin t #1: Legalization of prostitution is an idea that has been tri...If you want to get a full essay, kind club it on our website:

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