Monday, December 23, 2013

Data Management

ITE 1801 - information Management Systems indecision 1 a) What is the meaning of terminal figure entropy? [3 marks] info be raw facts which exists in the hide of numbers, garner and mea positive(predicate)ments that are not neat in every form and which has a little meaning b) Explain the splendor of sharable dimension of information. [3 marks] homogeneous type of data might be needed by many departments in an validation for finding making thither are data much(prenominal) as volatile and non volatile. simultaneous admission fee to these data mustiness be needed so the data which exist or roll up must in a form of shareable and must be in a alter place to entranceway by the needed people at the same time. c) What is the security department attri neverthelesse of data? What is its importance to an organization? [4 marks]  Decisions are made on the data collected after(prenominal) being processed, any type of consumption or cold shoulder or addition whitethorn cause a agglomerate of damage to the standing of the organization. There for data must be kept very steadfastly ,we must make sure to adopt relevant security measures to safeguard the data such as allowing authorized persons to access the data and making hierarchies in accessing the data and also we must protect the data from hackers as well therefore the data must be in a form of securable. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Question 2 a) What is the difference between Data and Information? [2 marks] Datas are raw facts which are not processed in any form therefore one after partt make any decisions based on the data but information are processed data in a meaning! ful way where one can come to a conclusion on an issue b) Explain wherefore higher(prenominal) information hardness is desirable for an organization. [3 marks] The success or the unsuccessful person of an organization depends on the right decision making on right time. To take proper decision, decision makers must generate correct, accurate reliable information. There are twain main(prenominal) requirements to be successful in decision making, the knowledge and the correct reliable information. Therefore and...If you want to get a all-encompassing essay, order it on our website:

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