Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Phoenician Empire

The Phoenician pudding stone The Mediterranean Sea has spawned many civilizations by dint of history. The Phoenicians, which originated almost 1200 BCE, is one example. Despite the rather small surface of this civilization, its impact on our world has been considerable. Being a seagoing nation, the Phoenicians established colonies all over the Mediterranean area, including the present-day cities of Carthage and Tripoli. As notable traders, they shared cultures with many nations, which allowed their invention of the alphabet to disperse throughout Eurasia. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The Phoenician Empire continued to evolve until it s eventual(prenominal) incorporation into the Persian and Macedonian Empires, around 400 BCE. Phoenicia is an ancient division lying on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Empire peaked at around 1000 BCE, and substantial until around 700 BCE. Phoenicia, now known as Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, was naturally insulate from new(prenominal) civilizations by the Lebanon Mountains in the east, and the great sea...If you want to build up a full essay, order it on our website:

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