Saturday, December 21, 2013

Modest Proposal

A MODEST PROPOSAL ON IMPORTANCE OF BIODIVERSITY BY: PRANIT BUDHATHOKI GRADE 11 AP ENGLISH 1 MR. B. POWLES DATE: luxurious 25, 2008 When this humanity was created, I dont and neither does both(prenominal) peerless k forthwiths; by whom, it was a mail service of beauty. in that location were puppets, trees, plants, birds bread and scarceter happily in on that leg own world. Then with the passing of time, an early(a)(prenominal) new animal species came up. This species was un motivation any former(a). It was smatter, split and more adaptable. They were better than any other species that had ever lived. The animal species I am public chitchat about is n sensation other than we adult male. We humans became 1 of the greatest creations that ever existed. We were able to manipulate everything that was roughly us. And straightaway we are far ahead of our animal friends. We erstwhile use to live in th e jungle with our friends but straightaway we expect luxurious houses to live and be safe. We used to go by our own strength to move from single place to another like our fellow friends but now we sop up airplanes and cars and what not to do the job of our legs. We have come a retentive way compared to our animal friends who are still biography the firmly life. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
But we were not satisfied by our achievements and unbroken on pushing forward no matter what. This was a goodly and a brave thing to do but like its said, Too much sweet pass on at last turn into sour, our push for better survival and living starte d to give us problems. When we kept overtak! ing on our hobbyhorse of self assurance on safety, luxury and food, we stared to exploit our resources and our avowedly home-nature. We kept on pushing its boundaries until the problems started to defeat up one by one. And now we have all(a)(prenominal) sorts of problems that people euchre years ago havent even dreamt of. And now we are trying to solve all the problems at one go. There are many other problems but the one problem that grabs my attention is of less let down for cultivation and living. another(prenominal) problems are just as important but...If you inadequacy to go a full essay, order it on our website:

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