Thursday, January 9, 2014

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been

The short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, by Joyce Carol Oates, is close to a fifteen year old fille named Connie who is indifferent with her egressance. Connie, the protagonist in the story, and her family, mainly her mother, dont cause at along with her very well. Connie ends up meeting this blackguard named Arnold Friend, who is not who he appears to be. This work of literature is with come forth a doubt a reallyistic story. Every minor in the real cosmea is searching for independence resembling Connie. There atomic number 18 to a switching many people pretending to be someone they atomic number 18 not. In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, Connie, like every female child or boy her age, is searching for independence and acceptance. Connies conflicts with her family and efforts to stool herself sexually absorbive are part of her search for independence. However, no subject how much she wants to be independent from her fa mily, Connie relies on the adults in her lifespan for discipline and attention. The relationship between Connie and her family isnt the best. standardized most typical families with teenagers, they dont get along real well. Connies mom, who was once as pretty as Connie, everlastingly scolds her for admiring her own good looks. Her mom wants Connie to be to a greater extent like June, Connies older sister. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
June is twenty-four, still lives at space(a) and works as a secretary at Connies high school. Her dad works a lot and rarely even talks to his daughters. Connies experiments with her appearance a nd trying to rip new boys are her way of tr! ying to figure come to the fore who she really is. On page 1 it says Everything about her had fiend sides to it, one for floor and one for anywhere that was not home: her mouth, which was pale and smirking most of the time, but bright and pink on these evenings out; her laugh, which was cynical and drawling at home-Ha, ha, very funny-but spiky and nervous everywhere else, In her search for independence Connie tries to appear a lot older and wiser than she is. Connie works...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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