Monday, February 10, 2014

Comparison of/Connecting Texts Essay on: Alyssa Brugman's "Walking Naked" and Mark Waters' "Mean Girls"

There are many connections and uniform(p)ities between the novel base on b wholes Naked, by Alyssa Brugman, and the movie Mean Girls, directed by name Waters. These devil adolescent related stories give light to many of the realities of feel as a teenager in really similar ways. They some(prenominal) portray the issues faced by a teenage girl in high school from in truth a alike(p) angles. Both texts delve into the secrets and realties of teenage life and the problems that arise. fountain is something that close to everyone penurys. Whether it is a small urge or a regime, everyone tries to be more supplyful than they are. In the novel Walking Naked, Megan?s supposed best friend, Candice, has the power hardly they all hold fast hold of for it. Everyone urgencys to be the alpha. Megan does non want to lose all that she has worked so hard for. She has fought her way to the top of the hierarchy and doesn?t want to even consider slipping a some rungs pass the ladder. Pe rdita is a threat to Megan?s position and Megan does not like this, for this reason, she rejects Perdita when they are at school. Similarly, in the movie, Cady happily ploughs a ingredient of ?The Plastics? not only to help her real friends but as well to gain confidence and respect. She desperately wants to be accepted by her fellow students and sees ?The Plastics? as the perfect probability to do this. Unfortunately, without realising it, Cady starts to become a bitchy Plastic and slowly looses her friends? trust and respect. Megan does the comparable and she falls out with Perdita and is rejected by The Group. Her lust for power has caused her isolation from the people she wished to conquer. In both texts, the lead characters lead a lust for popularity and ?belonging?? to... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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