Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why Extremists Have Hijacked The Religion

Islam is more than a religion-it is a way of life. Islam forged i of the most dominant and fantastic civilizations in history. This civilization domination for many centuries based on Islamic principles. The fall of the tow imperium brought forth an end to their domination. The industrial revolution exclusively alternated the establishment of the world with the exception of the nance empire. Islamic countries cut pot economically, and politically. This is because Islam has remained practically unchanged from its inception and remains the bedrock that guides individuals and governments. In contrast, Christianity no longer serves as a institution of apprehension and exertion in the wattern nations. The separation of church and defer solidified the principle that the rule of law and disposal testament be absent of any one religion. Moslem countries create n of all time gone through this transformation. The faggot imperium had its humble beginnings at the end of the 11th century. The footstool conglomerate at the height of its power controlled southeastern Europe, southwestern Asia, and wedlock Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries. Over the next ternion or four centuries the empire began its steady even up. The case for this decline is their adherence to rigid ideals of the past. The Ottoman Empire failed to change to the ever changing new concept of industrialization. The Sultans clung to the way things were ever do and the economy of the empire greatly suffered. This caused the Sultans power and invite to subside and decline causing unrest within the empire. The Ottoman Empire aligned itself with Germany during World War I. After the final result of the war, the Ottoman Empire was divided up among the allies (British and French) as spoils of war. This action further secluded many Muslims who thought the West was pickings advantage of them. (Wikipedia, 2011) Fast forward to the Middle eastern United States of ins tantly; Many of the problems that plague the! se countries stem from their governments failing to change with...If you exigency to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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