Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Brain Drain

The Brain Drain One of the major concerns of todays companies is the shortage of task, oddly in focussing. The baby boomers atomic number 18 nearing retirement age in the United States and the birth rate is dropping. These circumstances, couple with the booming preservation are the main causes of the labor shortage. at that place is a broad(prenominal) demand for labor but the once ostensibly bottomless pool of employees and managers that companies drew from has started to dry up. What are the factors that contributed to the trouble and how are todays corporations going to handle this problem? The type of labor unavoidable in todays society has been undergoing a constant change. on that point is an growth in demand for workers but there is a some(prenominal) greater demand for educated white-collar workers, especially commission material. Projections state that the growth in managerial positions will plaster over 20% by the year 2010 yet t he population previous(a) 35-50 will decrease nearly 10%. What these figures say is the al...If you read to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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