Saturday, February 8, 2014

Social Class

Do NOT bookmark these search results. Search results be stored in a TEMPORARY file for display purposes.  The temporal role file will be purged from our clay in a few hours. Section 1 of 1 Bangladesh Social Classes and accessible stratification Society in Bangladesh in the 1980s, with the exception of the Hindoo arrange system, was not stiffly stratified; rather, it was open, fluid, and diffused, without a cohesive favorable organization and social structure (see  Hindiism , this ch.). Social assort distinctions were largely functional, however, and in that location was wide mobility among classes. Even the structure of the Hindu clan system in Bangladesh was relatively loose because closely Hindus be retentiveed to the lower castes. Ostensibly, egalitarian principles of Islam were the butt of social organization. irrelevant in other regions of South Asia, the Hindu caste-based social system had a very limited force on Bangladeshi Muslim social culture. Even the low-caste jolhas (weavers) had alter their social rest since 1971. Although several hierarchically arranged groups--such as the syeds ( imposing born) and the sheikhs, or shaykhs (also noble born)--were noticeable in Bangladesh Muslim society, there were no cloggy hereditary social distinctions. Rather, fairly semipermeable classes based on wealth and political influence existed two in the cities and in the villages. Traditional Muslim class distinctions had piffling importance in Bangladesh. The proscription against marriage between individuals of high-born and low-born families, erstwhile an indicator of the social gap between the two groups, had long ago disappeared; close matrimonial alliances were based on wealth and power and not on the ties of family distinction. Also, many so-called upper berth class families, because of their traditional use of the Urdu language, had become alienated in nonparasitic Bangladesh. Although Hindu society is formally strati fied into caste categories, caste did not fi! gure prominently in the Bangladeshi Hindu...If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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